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By Joseph Melancon

Future & Hope

By way of our Lord’s kindness, Highland & Truth Spring, combined, have seen the Lord adequately provide toward the projected cost of the ‘future and hope’, which He is establishing for His glory. We stay within a constant estate of awe, gratitude and humility. Throughout this building campaign, our utmost hope remains to be that we would steward well the glory of our Lord and the generosity of each of our supporters. We want to thank you for your endurance and patience with us, as we have sought to do our very best to ensure that we are building something that is in scope with both our current needs and our future needs.

We have come to realize that the best way to steward with integrity all the Lord has entrusted to us is to plan and pray. Proverbs 24:3-4 has been the foundation of our prayer-life for our building-team. This passage says: “A house is built by wisdom, and it is established by understanding; by knowledge the rooms are filled with every precious and beautiful treasure.”

The Lord has been so faithful to provide some of the most capable, God-fearing and wisest people to help us throughout this process! This has resulted in our building-plan being founded upon His wisdom, not our own. This will allow us to establish this building according to His understanding, allowing us to utilize every square-inch of this site for His glory and the good of our neighbor.

Our hearts overflow with gratitude because of you! Your generosity, your endurance and your desire to see the Lord glorified in the work of both Highland Community Church and Truth Spring is so encouraging to us! Thank you for being part of establishing the work of His Kingdom and His gospel for generations to come.

Rob & Carrie Strickland

Along with Highland Community Church