Our Weekly Update

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Join us today! The ceremony begins at 11:30

ribbon cutting ceremony today, 11:30am


Today is our Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.  It begins at 11:30am.  You’re invited to join us for lunch at the conclusion of the ceremony.  Our parking lot will be closed, as the food vendors will be using that space.  

In order to accommodate all of our guests, we are providing both street parking along 5th and 6th Avenue, parking at the M2540 building on 6th Avenue and parking and a complimentary shuttle from the Webb Construction Parking lot on 32nd street. The address for the Webb Construction parking lot is 3200 2nd Avenue. Please arrive early in order to give yourself enough time to park and ride the shuttle to our ceremony. *Update: our gravel parking lot is not ready. It will be unavailable.

Testimonies continue this Sunday.  I look forward to celebrating Christ as Conqueror together once again.  Join us as we celebrate victory by the blood of the lamb and the word of testimony!

Coffee & Conversation in Our Dining Facility, 8:30am


Join us for a cup of coffee and some time together in our dining facility — 8:30am. We also enjoy breakfast sandwiches, too! Here’s the housekeeping plan (remember, devotion starts at 9:30am):

  • As you enter Coffee & Conversation, please enjoy a breakfast sandwich and a coffee.

  • We also invite you to worship the Lord with us, as we sing together.

  • Please fellowship and enjoy being together until our Devotion starts.

  • Devotion starts at 9:30am.

  • When it starts, please close out conversations, turn your chair toward the teacher listen to the devotional.

  • Remain attentive.

  • If you must have a conversation, please go outside to speak to someone or to take a phone call.

  • Please wipe down your table before you leave for Worship Service.


Testimonies continue this Sunday. I look forward to celebrating Christ as Conqueror together once again. Join us as we celebrate victory by the blood of the lamb and the word of testimony!

So excited for Joshua! This Sunday, Brenda Steele has come to know Christ as Lord. She will be make her public profession for Christ this Sunday, then will be getting baptized. At the end of our Service, be prepared to join us outside around the baptismal to celebrate Christ as Lord with Brenda. Once the baptism is over, our service will conclude.

A Few Ways You Can Help

We are hoping to reinforce our van-driving team. Currently, our team’s incredible – wow, thank you, van drivers. It is our hope, though, to help divide and conquer. We are hoping to get enough drivers to create a morning team and an afternoon team of drivers. Please contact us if you are willing to help strengthen our van route.

We do ask that you also help us clean up after service, too. To assist in the process, we have created a Signup Genius to help organize our efforts. Please sign up by clicking the link below.

Truth Spring Academy’s accepting Student applications

Truth Spring Academy is currently accepting applications for new students. To begin our application process, please complete our Interest Form. * Please note, completing the Interest Form is not a guarantee of enrollment at Truth Spring Academy.

If you have already completed our Interest Form then your child’s name has already been added to our Waiting List and you do not need to complete another form.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the office at (706)249-9424. For more information, you may also visit our website. Our web-address is: www.truthspringacademy.org.

Highland Cafe’

Each weekday, we open our cafe to those who want to stop by and grab a free cup of coffee. The hours will be 8:30am-11:30am. We need willing volunteers to come and greet our coffee drinkers. Take this opportunity to pray with those who enter, to spend time with one another over a warm cup of coffee. Another way you could assist is to help us stay stocked with coffee supplies – things like K-cups, sugar, cups, spoons and cream. As the weather warms up, water bottles and snacks are great additions too! You can make a donation to “Neighborhood Missions” through our website or consider just bringing items by the church throughout week. Coffee goes a long way in expressing our love to our neighbors! Thanks for helping us care for our community!

Lending a Helping Hand

We have had four families reaching out to us asking for help with living room furniture. If you are willing and able to help, please contact the church at (706) 249-9424.

***weekly announcements***

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Thursday, April 25th, at 11:30am

Men’s Bible Study, Sundays @ 9AM (in our new building)

Coffee & Conversation, Sundays @ 8:30AM

Church Service, Sundays @ 10am

Mondays at M2540. 6:30—7:30PM

Wednesdays: Prayer Gathering, 9 AM (in our cafe’)

Saturdays: Come grab a coffee and a pastry, 9am.

Our new number is: (706)249-9424

Please help stack chairs after service, if you’re able and willing.

Please help clean our kitchen and dining facility after service.

Please help tidy our restrooms after service.

I hope to see you at the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, Highland.

If not, I will see you Sunday.

Grateful for you,


Our Weekly Update

Me and my dad — and Patti :)

Coffee & Conversation in Our Dining Facility, 8:30am


These steps REALLY helped last Sunday! Great job, everyone! Let’s continue to implement these housekeeping steps during Coffee & Conversation:

  • As you enter Coffee & Conversation, please enjoy a breakfast sandwich and a coffee.

  • We also invite you to worship the Lord with us, as we sing together.

  • Please fellowship and enjoy being together until our Devotion starts.

  • Devotion starts at 9:30am.

  • When it starts, please close out conversations, turn your chair toward the teacher listen to the devotional.

  • Remain attentive.

  • If you must have a conversation, please go outside to speak to someone or to take a phone call.

  • Please wipe down your table before you leave for Worship Service.

Elliot & Joshua


This season of testimonies continues to bolster with life! To celebrate Christ as Conqueror with all of you exalts Jesus, while drawing us deeper in relationship with one another.

This Sunday, we continue with testimonies, including a baptism! Joshua Klaus has come to the knowledge of Christ as Lord. He will be making his public profession this Sunday, followed by his baptism. At the end of our service, we will invite Joshua and his family up on stage and hear from them. We will then all proceed to our lawn, just in front of the dining facility.

Once out there, I ask you all gather round the baptismal and be prepared to celebrate Joshua being raised in the newness of life, in Christ Jesus! Once the baptism is over, our service will conclude.

A Few Ways You Can Help

We are hoping to reinforce our van-driving team. Currently, our team’s incredible – wow, thank you, van drivers. It is our hope, though, to help divide and conquer. We are hoping to get enough drivers to create a morning team and an afternoon team of drivers. Please contact us if you are willing to help strengthen our van route.

We do ask that you also help us clean up after service, too. To assist in the process, we have created a Signup Genius to help organize our efforts. Please sign up by clicking the link below.

Truth Spring Academy’s accepting Student applications

Truth Spring Academy is currently accepting applications for new students. To begin our application process, please complete our Interest Form. * Please note, completing the Interest Form is not a guarantee of enrollment at Truth Spring Academy.

If you have already completed our Interest Form then your child’s name has already been added to our Waiting List and you do not need to complete another form.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the office at (706)249-9424. For more information, you may also visit our website. Our web-address is: www.truthspringacademy.org.

Highland Cafe’

Each weekday, we open our cafe to those who want to stop by and grab a free cup of coffee. The hours will be 8:30am-11:30am. We need willing volunteers to come and greet our coffee drinkers. Take this opportunity to pray with those who enter, to spend time with one another over a warm cup of coffee. Another way you could assist is to help us stay stocked with coffee supplies – things like K-cups, sugar, cups, spoons and cream. As the weather warms up, water bottles and snacks are great additions too! You can make a donation to “Neighborhood Missions” through our website or consider just bringing items by the church throughout week. Coffee goes a long way in expressing our love to our neighbors! Thanks for helping us care for our community!


Our Ribbon Cutting Ceremony is this upcoming Thursday, at 11:30am. All are invited to come and celebrate with us. Plan to park in the gravel parking lot, along Sixth Avenue, just beside our dumpster-facility. Our actual parking lot will be used to host food trucks. After the ceremony, please help yourself to a meal, on us!

Lending a Helping Hand

We have had four families reaching out to us asking for help with living room furniture. If you are willing and able to help, please contact the church at (706) 249-9424.

***weekly announcements***

Prayer & Praise Ribbon! Get with Carrie to make one

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Thursday, April 25th, at 11:30am

Men’s Bible Study, Sundays @ 9AM (in our new building)

Coffee & Conversation, Sundays @ 8:30AM

Church Service, Sundays @ 10am

Mondays at M2540. 6:30—7:30PM

Wednesdays: Prayer Gathering, 9 AM (in our cafe’)

Saturdays: Come grab a coffee and a pastry, 9am.

Our new number is: (706)249-9424

Please help stack chairs after service, if you’re able and willing.

Please help clean our kitchen and dining facility after service.

Please help tidy our restrooms after service.

In Closing

As we continue to settle, Highland, I want to point out to you three simple ways we will go deeper:

  1. Staying together: Let’s continue to foster a love for one another that’s rooting in staying-love. Let us strengthen our relationships with one another and with the Lord, especially through trying circumstances. One way we will foster this will be holding Communion, the holding an Agape Feast following communion four times a year. Highland’s Board discussed this plan last Sunday and our first Communion/Agape Feast event is scheduled for Sunday, May 19th. Let’s spend this time together, expressing our resolved commitment to Christ and to one another, Highland.

  2. Serving together: When we serve together, we get to know one another and connect in deeper ways. Let’s continue to do so and cultivate ways to continue to do so. Just looking at this email, there are multiple ways to serve; jump in! Let’s serve one another and connect with one another.

  3. Studying together: May we continue to foster ways to study together, both organically and systematically. I intend for us to start a church-wide study this August, Sunday mornings, at 9am. It’s a 13 week study that will serve both our children and our parents. More to come as the time nears.

I love you, Highland.

Grateful for you,


Our Weekly Update

James, Ms Ruby & Rob

Coffee & Conversation in Our Dining Facility, 8:30am


We continue to see our plans for our services come into shape, Highland. Below, you will see a few housekeeping steps we are taking during Coffee & Conversation:

  • As you enter Coffee & Conversation, please enjoy a breakfast sandwich and a coffee.

  • We also invite you to worship the Lord with us, as we sing together.

  • Please fellowship and enjoy being together until our Devotion starts.

  • Devotion starts at 9:30am.

  • When it starts, please close out conversations, turn your chair toward the teacher listen to the devotional.

  • Remain attentive.

  • If you must have a conversation, please go outside to speak to someone or to take a phone call.

  • Please wipe down your table before you leave for Worship Service.

Tim, Cathy & Patti


Thank you for your patience with me as the dust continues to settle throughout our transition. You may have noticed that we have been attempting to make some adjustments to our service. In so doing, we are attempting to hone in even more on the fostering of corporate worship through: 1. corporate-singing, 2. opening God’s Word together, 3. through praying together, 4. then giving. As it stands for now, offertory is being held at the end of service. It is my hope we conclude with our Offertory Declaration, then give as leave. Let’s see how the Lord orchestrates His plans for us as we pursue Him, Highland.

To those who are helping after service, thank you! It makes such a difference. To those who are offering to, I want to thank you as well. We are hoping to get a system in place in which we can get all of the spaces tidied up after service (restrooms, kitchen and dining facility and the gym). One of the ways you could help is, if you spill in the gym, please clean up that spill. Also, we now have two trash cans placed in the gym. We ask that you throw away any trash that’s found in the gym. Little things go a long way!

Testimonies continue this Sunday, Highland. As we share life in Christ together throughout this season, it serves to embolden our confidence in Christ and to strengthen the fibers of us, as His people. To those who’ve shared, thank you! To those sharing this Sunday, we look forward to hearing how the Lord has ordered your steps.

Truth Spring Academy’s accepting Student applications

Truth Spring Academy is currently accepting applications for new students. To begin our application process, please complete our Interest Form. * Please note, completing the Interest Form is not a guarantee of enrollment at Truth Spring Academy.

If you have already completed our Interest Form then your child’s name has already been added to our Waiting List and you do not need to complete another form.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the office at (706)249-9424. For more information, you may also visit our website. Our web-address is: www.truthspringacademy.org.

Highland Cafe’

Each weekday, we open our cafe to those who want to stop by and grab a free cup of coffee. The hours will be 8:30am-11:30am. We need willing volunteers to come and greet our coffee drinkers. Take this opportunity to pray with those who enter, to spend time with one another over a warm cup of coffee. Another way you could assist is to help us stay stocked with coffee supplies – things like K-cups, sugar, cups, spoons and cream. As the weather warms up, water bottles and snacks are great additions too! You can make a donation to “Neighborhood Missions” through our website or consider just bringing items by the church throughout week. Coffee goes a long way in expressing our love to our neighbors! Thanks for helping us care for our community!

M2540’s Spring Fling

You’re invited to attend, Highland. Our parter in the name of Jesus and our neighbor will be hosting this event. All are welcome. Shoutout to M2540 for hosting this event!


Allow me to officially invite you to attend our Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Thursday, April 25th, at 11:30am! Please make every effort to attend. Truth Spring and Highland will host this ceremony together. It will be held on our grounds and there will be a lunch following. We invite you to join us as we celebrate what the Lord has done! I look forward to seeing you all at this momentous occasion!

***weekly announcements***

Prayer & Praise Ribbon! Get with Carrie to make one

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Thursday, April 25th, at 11:30am

Men’s Bible Study, Sundays @ 9AM (in our new building)

Coffee & Conversation, Sundays @ 8:30AM

Church Service, Sundays @ 10am

Mondays at M2540. 6:30—7:30PM

Wednesdays: Prayer Gathering, 9 AM (in our cafe’)

Saturdays: Chicken & Rice 10am, Cafe’

Our new number is: (706)249-9424

Please help stack chairs after service, if you’re able and willing.

Please help clean our kitchen and dining facility after service.

Please help tidy our restrooms after service.

Our Weekly Update


To those who shared testimonies last Sunday, wow! You did a great job! Getting to be together and to learn how the Lord has worked in your life causes us all to grow in our relationship with one another and, most importantly, with Christ! There are more testimonies to come this Sunday. May our love for one another continue to deepen and may our faithfulness in Christ continue to cultivate, Highland (2nd Thessalonians 1:3).

This Sunday, we pick back up our series through Daniel. As we are at the end of the book, we will begin a summation of our series, but in a way that highlights personal application. We will look at how Daniel, through unthinkable circumstances, remained yielded to the Spirit of God. Through every season, he bore fruit that continually honored the Lord in the harshest and most hopeless of circumstances. This summation will become a roadway for us toward our next series, Highland. Join us and let us ‘agree to grow together’ – according to God’s Word. You are welcome.

As the angels directed Daniel to go his way, we begin to map out that roadway. This passage offers us direction along our journey:

“Teach me, O LORD, the way of your statutes; and I will keep it to the end. Give me understanding, that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart. Lead me in the path of your commandments, for I delight in it.” — Psalm 119:33-35, ESV

This passage was true of Daniel. I long that it rings true of me — of us, Highland.

Coffee & Conversation in Our Dining Facility, 8:30am

While there were just a few curve balls Sunday, overall, everyone did such a great job making the transition into our new home. One of the most joyous parts of last Sunday was Coffee & Conversation. To share that time together in worship of our Lord, caring for one another, is so refreshing. Additionally, everyone did such a wonderful job transitioning to service, too!

Janet, James & Family, Photo Credit: Katie Sturgeon


Following Coffee & Conversation, our service begins at 10am. It will be held in our sanctuary. Remember that the Worship Team will be practicing each Sunday morning, so the doors to our sanctuary will remain closed until 10am. As you arrive, feel free to connect with others waiting in our foyer or around our grounds. Feel free to grab a cup of coffee from our dining facility as well. You may recall from our Transition Plan that all are welcome to bring to service with you a cup of coffee. However, we do ask that you have a lid on the cup to prevent spillage. If you come in toward the end of Coffee & Conversation(9:50am), then you may certainly grab a cup of coffee. However, the kitchen will be closed by 10am so all can make service. 

Service will be held at the far-end of the gym; therefore enter the gym through the side entrances, not the back, as the curtain will be lowered. For safety reasons, please do not gather behind the curtain or allow children to play behind the curtain. It will be our practice to have greeters in the foyer to welcome our 10am service-goers all through our front doors. As we settle into our rhythms, greeters will point visitors and new-comers in the right direction.

All children will join us for our time of corporate singing. Children 0-4 will dismiss just after we sing to nursery. Children elementary-aged and above will remain with us in service. We will continue having our beloved ‘kid bags’ each week! However, the bags will now be available for children to grab during the part of the service when the 0-4 year olds dismiss. The bags are now cloth and will have a clipboard with a sermon note’s activity sheet, colored pencils, water bottle, snack, and craft/toy.

After service, please return the cloth bag, clipboard and colored pencils in the containers provided. We will sanitize the bags and clipboards and sharpen the pencils for reuse. Our desire is to equip our children to participate in the service in a meaningful way. Remember, children who need to use the restroom or prefer to use the playground must be accompanied by parents.

Last week, childcare and Kid-bags went smoothly – shoutout to these teams!  Our corporate time of singing worship was incredible, wow! Thanks to all who make this happen each Sunday.  To those who helped clean up and to those who helped stack chairs, exceptional job!

Shoutout to those who provided sunday’s splashes of color

Generously provided to us by Fields of Grace.

We want to thank the Wommack Family of Fields of Grace for the flower arrangement they gifted us for Easter Sunday! The flowers were luminous and served as a great piece for our foyer.

Thank you, Kathy Jordan, and family.

Also, shoutout to Kathy Jordan and Family for the Easter arrangement they made for our service. Justin built this cross and it was so well arranged to commemorate our Lord Jesus.

Highland Cafe’

Each weekday, we open our cafe to those who want to stop by and grab a free cup of coffee. The hours will be 8:30am-11:30am. We need willing volunteers to come and greet our coffee drinkers. Take this opportunity to pray with those who enter, to spend time with one another over a warm cup of coffee. Another way you could assist is to help us stay stocked with coffee supplies – things like K-cups, sugar, cups, spoons and cream. As the weather warms up, water bottles and snacks are great additions too! You can make a donation to “Neighborhood Missions” through our website or consider just bringing items by the church throughout week. Coffee goes a long way in expressing our love to our neighbors! Thanks for helping us care for our community!


Allow me to officially invite you to attend our Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Thursday, April 25th, at 11:30am! Please make every effort to attend. Truth Spring and Highland will host this ceremony together. It will be held on our grounds and there will be a lunch following. We invite you to join us as we celebrate what the Lord has done! I look forward to seeing you all at this momentous occasion!

***weekly announcements***

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Thursday, April 25th, at 11:30am

Men’s Bible Study, Sundays @ 9AM (in our new building)

Coffee & Conversation, Sundays @ 8:30AM

Church Service, Sundays @ 10am

Mondays at M2540. 6:30—7:30PM

Wednesdays: Prayer Gathering, 9 AM (in our cafe’)

Saturdays: Chicken & Rice 10am, Cafe’

Our new number is: (706)249-9424

Please help stack chairs after service, if you’re able and willing.

Please help clean our kitchen and dining facility after service.

Please help tidy our restrooms after service.

I abound in gratitude over the Lord’s unending goodness, Highland. I get to experience His goodness in you! I love you, Highland. Great is His name and worthy is He to be praised. As we live, may we breathe out His praise, Highland.

See you Sunday,


Our Weekly Update


Watching everyone enjoy the faithfulness and the goodness of our Lord last Sunday was such a momentous occasion for me. I could feel the gratitude and the relief flowing throughout our sanctuary. Welcome home, Highland. You have been so steadfast, compelled by grit and stamina. I am so happy to share this place with you (writing this note from my new office).

Left to right — Robert, Bob (my dad), Ricky & Debbie

Highland, Debbie Jordan is a Highland-pioneer. The Lord has used her to help shape Highland Community Church. Her warmth, beauty and matriarchal qualities have allowed Highland to become a church that is filled with love and cultivates a welcoming atmosphere.

For the last several months, she has been battling some health complications. As she has been undergoing medical care, she has tasted of the Lord’s goodness in us. In response, she writes:

Dear Highland Family,

As much as I've tried, it's been impossible to find the words that truly express how grateful I am for all of the many prayers that you've lifted up for me and my family over the past few weeks.

I've always believed in the power of prayer but I've now experienced it in a way that can only be called miraculous and life-changing.

I am beyond blessed to be a part of our precious Highland Tribe.

Thank you for each and every act of kindness and concern you've shown to me and my family. We are forever grateful and humbled.

Much love,

Debbie and Ricky

Truth Spring Academy Student-led Blessing in our new Dining Facility. (Coffee & Conversation in the same location.)

Coffee & Conversation in Our Dining Facility, 8:30am

As we prepare to hold our first service here this Sunday, remember that we will hold Coffee & Conversation in the new dining facility. We will, literally, ‘open wide our doors’ (the garage doors) at 8:30am. Coffee & Conversation is intended to give us the chance to be together.

We share life over coffee and a breakfast sandwich. We also sing praises to the God of heaven and earth, Who offers us life, liberty through Christ Jesus. Finally, a devotion is offered. It’s a chance for us to continue to walk according to God’s Word with resolve.

This Sunday, we will provide all attendees the chance to make Prayer & Praise Ribbons. We will use our time to write down a request we have of the Lord and also reason to praise Him, displaying the ribbons throughout our grounds.

our Easter Sunday SERVICE, 10AM

Following Coffee & Conversation, our service begins at 10am. It will be held in our sanctuary. Remember that the Worship Team will be practicing each Sunday morning, so the doors to our sanctuary will remain closed until 10am. As you arrive, feel free to connect with others waiting in our foyer or around our grounds. As you enter, please feel free to take a seat or stand. Last Sunday, we had children on our bleachers. This plan will work but only if we have parents sitting with their children to maintain custody of them while they sit there.

Also, as a reminder, all children will join us for our time of corporate singing. Children 0-4 will dismiss just after we sing to nursery. Easter Testimonies begin this week. Children elementary-aged and above will remain with us in service. Remember, children who need to use the restroom or prefer to use the playground must be accompanied by parents.

We will continue having our beloved ‘kid bags’ each week! However, the bags will now be available for children to grab during the part of the service when the 0-4 year olds dismiss. The bags are now cloth and will have a clipboard with a sermon note’s activity sheet, colored pencils, water bottle, snack, and craft/toy. After service, please return the cloth bag, clipboard and colored pencils in the containers provided. We will sanitize the bags and clipboards and sharpen the pencils for reuse. Our desire is to equip our children to participate in the service in a meaningful way.

As we gather this Sunday, we set our gaze upon Jesus, who overcame sin and death when He rose from the grave. Come and join us as we celebrate the name that is above every name – Jesus! He is our Rescuer, worthy of all praise. Without Him, there is no life, only existence. Let us come together to lift up His name, as we rejoice in Him, who imparts eternal life.

Highland Cafe’

Highland Cafe’ got off to a great start! Each weekday, we open our cafe to those who want to stop by and grab a free cup of coffee. The hours will be 8:30am-11:30am. We need willing volunteers to come and greet our coffee drinkers. Take this opportunity to pray with those who enter, to spend time with one another over a warm cup of coffee. Another way you could assist is to help us stay stocked with coffee supplies – things like K-cups, sugar, cups, spoons and cream. As the weather warms up, water bottles and snacks are great additions too! You can make a donation to “Neighborhood Missions” through our website or consider just bringing items by the cafe starting next week. Coffee goes a long way in expressing our love for our neighbors! Thanks for helping to love our neighbors!

Yard Sale Tomorrow During Chicken & Rice

Highland, Pat Roper has rescheduled her yard sale to take place tomorrow, during Chicken & Rice. Come on by and check out all the fun items she’ll have available for the best rate in town!

weekly announcements

  • Men’s Bible Study, Sundays @ 9AM

  • Coffee & Conversation, Sundays @ 9AM

  • Church Service, Sundays @ 10am

  • Mondays at M2540. 6:30—7:30PM

  • Wednesdays: Prayer Gathering, 9 AM

  • Saturdays: Chicken & Rice 10am, Cafe’

  • Our new number is: (706)249-9424

Special Announcement about This Sunday

A Special Announcement About This Sunday’s Service

Highland, You may recall that I mentioned in last week’s email that there was a film crew that was going to attend our service, but not be filming. The reason they were with us was simply to experience our service. Their purpose for being in Columbus was that they were filming a documentary. They are hoping to capture the impact that nonprofits have on a city like Columbus. They highlighted three non-profits in their film: MercyMed, Truth Spring and Micah’s Promise.

Friday, Carrie got a call while we were at lunch from someone on the film team. They asked if they could send one person from their crew to service this Sunday (March 24th) in order to capture some footage. This is because, when Carrie and I were interviewed for the documentary, we continually referred back to the church. Because of that, the filmmakers would like to have some film of one of our church services, in order to offer viewers of the documentary a frame of reference.

While this is an exciting endeavor, I also want to ensure that we respect the privacy of all that are at our service. If you and/or your family would like to refrain from being on film, please let us know and we will make sure we accommodate you appropriately. We would never want anyone to feel uncomfortable.

Please note - the filmmaker will only be with us while in the firehouse for music. Once we leave the firehouse and walk over into the “new highland” for the dedication ceremony, he will not enter with us. The dedication ceremony will be for the Highland Tribe only.


Our Weekly Update

The Start of This Sunday Morning

Highland, we open a new chapter this Sunday. Coffee & Conversation will take place in the Firehouse this Sunday at 9am. Our service will then start in the Firehouse at 10am. The church will then receive a charge from Patti Clark and we all then proceed over into our new sanctuary for our Dedication Service.

Saying Goodbye to the Firehouse and Hello to Our New Home

As we enter our building, please immediately make your way to the gym, which also serves as our sanctuary. We will gather to pray, dedicating our new home to the Lord. At the conclusion of the service, you are welcome to take self-guided tours through the building. There will be members of our board posted throughout the building to host you and answer your questions. Please feel free to stay as long as you like and enjoy getting acquainted with our new home. *Also, please note that there will not be childcare offered this Sunday so that all can take part in our Dedication Service.

Kathy Jordan Will Teach our Children about Palm Sunday

However, since this is also Palm Sunday, Kathy Jordan has kindly offered to host all of the children in attendance for a Palm Sunday lesson just outside in the Firehouse Field. Children will dismiss to the field just after we sing together. The children will then join us as we make our way into our new building. Parents, as we leave to go over to the new building, please get your children so they can walk with you.

Easter Sunday

On March 31st, Easter Sunday, we will hold our first full worship service in our new home. This service will be a celebration of Jesus the Conqueror of both sin and death. We will sing, honor the one and only Son of God, who has risen from the grave. We will also hear the testimonies from those celebrating seeing the work of Christ in their lives. On that note, click here to write your Easter Testimony, allowing us to celebrate with you.

Highland Cafe’

Starting March 25th, we will be opening our Highland Cafe’. Each weekday, we will open our cafe to those who want to stop by and grab a free cup of coffee. The hours will be 8:30am-11:30am. We need willing volunteers to come and greet our coffee drinkers. Take this opportunity to pray with those who enter, to spend time with one another over a warm cup of coffee. Another way you could assist is to help us stay stocked with coffee supplies – things like K-cups, sugar, cups, spoons and cream. You can make a donation to “Neighborhood Missions” through our website or consider just bringing items by the cafe starting next week. Coffee goes a long way in expressing our love for our neighbors! Thanks for helping to love our neighbors!

Thanks Justin!

Shoutout to Justin Jordan for coming by and landscaping the grounds today! Thanks, Justin! Looks so good!

Nothing as welcoming as freshly cut grass!

weekly announcements

  • Men’s Bible Study, Sundays @ 9AM

  • Coffee & Conversation, Sundays @ 9AM

  • Church Service, Sundays @ 10am

  • Mondays at M2540. 6:30—7:30PM

  • Wednesdays: Prayer Gathering, 9 AM

  • Saturdays: Chicken & Rice 10am, Cafe’

  • Our new number is: (706)249-9424

Easter Testimonies

Highland, on Sunday, March 10th, Kimberly Klaus offered us an invitation to share an Easter Testimony. This testimony serves to highlight how the Lord is working in your life! It gives us all the chance to celebrate the power of the cross, that we may worship Jesus together! If you are interested in celebrating the Lord’s faithfulness with us, please sign up by completing the form below.

Weekly Update


The Moving Process Begins This Sunday For Us

It’s time to move! Here’s our plan. This Sunday, March 17th, we will hold our service at the Firehouse. During our 10am service, we will hold a Town Hall Session in which I will present our Transition Plan. Each person will get a copy. You can read it by clicking here. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and we will discuss any matters you feel are important. Please make every effort to be present. Also, MercyMed and Truth Spring are part of documentary that’s taking place in Columbus. This Sunday, the filmmakers will be joining us for service. They will not be filming during service. They will simply join us for worship.

Plans for Our Dedication Service

On Sunday, March 24th, we will hold Coffee & Conversation in the Firehouse at 9am. We will begin our 10am Service in the Firehouse. We will worship together and we will then hear Patti Clark offer us a charge. At the conclusion of her charge, we will all leave the firehouse and walk over to the new facility together. Once we all gather in our gym, we will hold a brief Dedication Service. Upon completion of the Dedication Service, feel free to enjoy a tour of our new home. It will be a self-guided tour. We will have church leaders assigned to specific areas throughout the facility to answer your questions and inform you on the features of our new home.

Plans for Our First Official Service

On March 31st, Easter Sunday, we will hold our first full worship service in our new facility. We will hold services in our new home from here on out. Thank you for your patience, Highland. You’ve been so accommodating, understanding and gracious. People often ask me what I am most excited about as I think about the new building. I respond by telling them that I just get excited about seeing people enjoy the new home that the Lord’s provided us. I am grateful to share this new home with you, Highland.

Mark Your Calendars to Attend Our Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Allow me to officially invite you to attend our Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Thursday, April 25th, at 11:30am! Please make every effort to attend. Truth Spring and Highland will host this ceremony together. It will be held on our grounds and there will be a lunch following. We invite you to join us as we celebrate what the Lord has done! I look forward to seeing you all at this momentous occasion!

I love you,
