Our Weekly Update

Highland, 2010


As Sunday nears, I look forward to seeing you! It thrills me to know we get to gather, celebrating Jesus! He saves sinners! May we come, ready to rejoice over salvation being found in His Name!

As you know, we have been unpacking Psalm 15 over the last few Sundays. Last week, we walked through the first two verses, honing in on what it means to sojourn, to dwell within His holy presence. We then looked at one of the fruits David notes as evidence of sharing in His holy nature, that being: To not slander others. That sermon is available online, through our audio page. Altogether, there are seven “fruits” David mentions in Psalm 15.

As we open God’s Word together this Sunday, we will be merging these fruits found in Psalm 15 with our series through Daniel. I suggest to you that, as Daniel remained yielded to the Lord’s Holy Name, Daniel brought these fruits into being. As we return to Daniel, we will be in chapter six. In this saga, he was entrapped, back-stabbed, falsely accused and sentenced to death, yet, there was no slander found on his lips! His tongue was consumed with his prayer-life, Highland — blessing His holy God!! May THIS characterize us! May our lips be so saturated His praises, Highland, that slanderous-language finds no place to land upon them!

As far as the remaining attributes found in Psalm 15, we will pray through those together, through a weekly Communal Prayer. If you are looking over the list we’ve covered and feel compelled to speak briefly to how the Lord is teaching you through this Psalm and these truths, then please consider leading our church in a Communal Prayer. Get with me. We have completed the first two. We are on the third one listed this upcoming Sunday.

For your reference, here’s the list:

1. Does not slander others

2. Does no evil toward their neighbor.

*3. Does not take up reproach against his friend (*Reproach - address someone in such a way as to express disapproval or disappointment).

4. Honors those who fear the Lord.

5. Maintains their word, even if it costs them.

6. Does not seek sordid gain.

7. Does not bear false witness, even for gain.

weekly announcements

Highland, here’s the latest. Also, here’s chances to get plugged in and serve throughout the week.

I love you, Highland.

See you Sunday,
