Our Weekly Update

Our Sermon-Study

Drawing From Daniel

Finding Our Hope in the Holiness of God

Our church services (we call services “Firehouse Gatherings”) are held each Sunday morning at 10am in the Firehouse (3402 6th Ave). All are welcome to attend. There is no climate control, so dress suitably for the weather conditions. Also, you may want to bring a camping chair, as we do not always have enough seats available. This Sunday, we will pick the ball back with our Daniel Series – Drawing From Daniel:Finding Hope in the Holiness of God. We will be in chapter eight.

Sunday’s Communal PRayer

Our Heart-Study

Psalm 15

For Communal Prayer, we continue through Psalm 15 this Sunday. Casey Strickland will be facilitating this week’s attribute: “Does not seek sordid gain.” Casey is a member of Highland and is really very familiar with our streets, as he grew up in North Highland. Casey is married to Crystal (who is so nice) and they have a son named Elijah. I am grateful that we all have the opportunity to gather and grow together, in Christ. Speaking of Elijah, shoutout to all who serve in our childcare ministry! Thank you for loving all of our littles ones in such a dedicated manner! It means a lot to me, to all of us.

missions Conference at st. andrews

This weekend, St. Andrews Presbyterian holds their Missions Conference. MercyMed, Truth Spring and Living Water will be participating. Please ask the Lord, Highland, to cultivate relationships that forge bonds in the name of Christ. Furthermore, it is their hope to come to Highland Community Church for Renew – their Summer Mission’s Emphasis. It should be exciting, as they will be able to use our new facility this summer.

building update

Speaking of the building, I talked with the Contractor, who said that we should plan on being ready to move in during the month of March. I know we have missed several earlier move-in dates. We may miss another – these plans remain in the hands of the Lord. Even still, we will use February as the time to prepare for the move. We will get a Town Hall Session scheduled and get a moving plan together. Make sure to read that Transition Plan. You can find it on our website.

I love you,


(See weekly announcements below)

weekly announcements