Today's Service.

Today, we added another chapter to our “Book of Remembrance” and connected it to a part of our Sermon Series through Philippians. We recounted our journey moving into North Highland and how Philippians 2:1-4 (where we are in our sermon series) played such a meaningful part in our lives at that time. We invite you to add an installment into our “Book of Remembrance.” Consider doing a Communal Prayer or writing a blog post that could be shared on our site. See details below.

Summer Assignment.001.jpeg

*Audio files will be available for 30 days. To keep, download file.

So Glad to be Back!

A large chunk of the Strickland Family during Family Vacation (Not Pictured: Ron, Charlene, Amanda & Jones - they were at Sea World)

A large chunk of the Strickland Family during Family Vacation (Not Pictured: Ron, Charlene, Amanda & Jones - they were at Sea World)

Highland Tribe,

Life has been much like a whirlwind lately! I cannot wait to get back and be with you all in service tomorrow. My mom said, too, that she is ready to be at Breakfast Club! It is one of her favorite places to be! Highland family, we love you all so much and rejoice over you.

We are returning from an exciting and restful vacation. We had such a good time! However, before we left to go on vacation, my dad learned that his brother, Tim Strickland, died in a car crash. As you may recall, he lost his other brother, Jim Strickland, last October. So, this came as a shock and a blow. John and dad discussed options, but dad decided he wanted to go on with the vacation and be with the family to best allow him to cope with the loss of his brother, as he handled details alongside us.

Our family is not perfect, but we certainly attempt to be there for one another, especially in difficult times. Life is such an ever-present mixture of happiness and sadness; it is the joy of the Gospel, alone, that sustains us throughout all of the tumultuous ups and downs of our days. That joy can be best realized in the presence of a steadfast and loving family. I am grateful for the Lord and His faithful, wise love, and for a family that clings to the rock, that is Jesus, through a devoted prayer-life and a steady love.

I cannot say enough about how much I appreciate our church family. They do so much - and even more while I am away. Thank you all! Tomorrow, I return to serve alongside my cherished church family and I will be preaching. We return to our series on Philippians. We hit the ground running in chapter 2 tomorrow. Here is our text:

If then there is any encouragement in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by thinking the same way, having the same love, sharing the same feelings, focusing on one goal. Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.
— Philippians 2:1-4

We will also continue on with our Book of Remembrance tomorrow, during Communal Prayer. Let’s continue to recount God’s faithfulness, in our families and church family.

Here is our assignment:

Individuals and/or Families will create their own personal book of remembrance. Each book will contain a list of events from your personal life, describing moments where God has shown Himself to be faithful.

At the end of each entry or story please write down the answer to the following question: Based on this event in my life, what do I know to be true about God (Exodus 33:13)?

Please make one of the entries in your book, the story of how you ended up at Highland Community Church and a description of your first Sunday being here.

***Make a copy and give to Rob and Carrie.


  • Men’s Small Group, this Wed, 6pm.

  • Soccer Camp coming up in July!

  • Membership Program: July 14th, 1pm. Sign up through website.

  • Thanks to all who helped with VBS!

  • Church Plant Service: Porter Memorial, Sunday nights, 5:30pm - info:

Highland, I love you. I cannot wait to be with you tomorrow.


VBS Photos, 2019!

We are so thankful to all of our volunteers and organizers! We are enjoying our time together, as we learn God’s Word!! Tomorrow night is the last night - 4pm-7pm! Special shoutout to Edgewood Baptist & St Andrews for helping us make this event happen!

(Please note: Due to VBS, prayer meeting will be cancelled tomorrow night.)

This Upcoming Sunday.

Highland family,

The Strickland clan will be away this upcoming Sunday. We are all going to be in Orlando for our annual family getaway. Rick will lead worship and Chris will preach. Know that I love you and deeply miss you but you are in great hands!

  • Update: Beverly Thornton will lead us in our Communal Prayer.


Mike Hare's Sister Has Passed Away.

Sherry Kobus

Sherry Kobus

Highland Family,

Mike Hare’s sister, Sherry Kobus, has tragically died. I ask that you cover him and his family in prayer. Mike and his family are originally from Texas. He is there with them now. They have asked me to come and conduct the funeral. I have agreed to do so. Therefore, I will not be with you all Sunday.

Highland, know that I love you and that I will miss being you all so much! You are in good hands though. The people that the Lord has brought together to make up Highland Community Church are a sincere, sweet, devoted and loving people. I cannot even fathom life without each of you - all glory to our Lord!

I love you, Highland,


This Sunday's Service.

Highland Family,

This Sunday is Father’s Day. We will be praying over and charging our fathers from God’s Word. Billy will be leading worship, Rosalyn Fraiser will be leading Communal Prayer and Randall Lake will offer a devotion on Fatherhood.

I love you,


{Fathers} - “Just one thing: Live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ” (Phi 1:27).

{Fathers} - “Just one thing: Live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ” (Phi 1:27).

Today's Service.

Highland has seen the Lord do so much in our midst. He has, once again, brought us to a horizon that demands us to recall His faithfulness toward us, so that we can remain confident moving forward into what He has laid before us. That leads me to our summer assignment. We are writing a Book of Remembrance. Here are the details:

Summer Assignment.001.jpeg

Please let us know how you’d like to participate. Today’s service recounts my story of coming to Highland for the first time, then segues into a corporate charge to us all that comes from our current series through Philippians. Here is the service: